Welcome to the Oasis Center for Wellness, LLC
The HOCATT is a multi-modality wellness steam cabinet that combines up to ten effective therapies into one ergonomically designed system. Each 30 minute treatment can assist the body’s ability to respond to health challenges, injury, and chronic conditions; improve athletic performance; enhance skincare and beauty, and facilitate overall health rejuvenation. It is a premier technology to enhance your body’s detoxification of pathogens, metals, and chemicals; to help cleanse internal tissues, organs and cells; to improve blood and lymphatic circulation; and to help turn on the body’s protective immune and regeneration systems.
This is one of the core therapies utilized in the HOCATT. Ozone molecules are naturally present on every living thing. The way it works is simple yet elegant. When a cell becomes stressed by a physical or chemical shock or bacterial, fungal or viral attack, the energy levels are reduced by the outflow of electrons, making the cell electro
This is one of the core therapies utilized in the HOCATT. Ozone molecules are naturally present on every living thing. The way it works is simple yet elegant. When a cell becomes stressed by a physical or chemical shock or bacterial, fungal or viral attack, the energy levels are reduced by the outflow of electrons, making the cell electropositive. Once ozone is introduced, it reacts with these damaged cells, neutralizing the damage. Even better, ozone only targets diseased cells and pathogens, leaving healthy cells alone to continue to thrive.
Carbonic Acid therapy utilizes the carbonic acid that is already present in the human body and introduces CO2 into the chamber to form a new compound – H2CO3. This new compound can penetrate your skin and bloodstream, increasing the oxygen absorption rate.
Increasing body temperature to promote wellness makes complete sense when you think about the fact that the body does the same thing when a person runs a fever. The HOCATT Ozone Steam Cabinet utilizes both Far Infrared Rays (FIR) and steam to increase the body’s temperature. The result is a dilation of the blood vessels that increases ox
Increasing body temperature to promote wellness makes complete sense when you think about the fact that the body does the same thing when a person runs a fever. The HOCATT Ozone Steam Cabinet utilizes both Far Infrared Rays (FIR) and steam to increase the body’s temperature. The result is a dilation of the blood vessels that increases oxygen, nutrient and blood flow. In addition, the white blood cell volume increases. The end result is increased energy, improved detoxification and increased mitochondrial function.
This is a low energy therapy, radiating light in the far infrared wavelength spectrum (4-1000 microns). Approximately 50% of the energy generated by the human body is in the form of Far Infrared Rays (FIR). When the body absorbs FIR it is like giving you the ultimate healing energy boost. You will experience decreased joint stiffness, relief from muscle aches, and increased blood flow to improve the healing process.
The HOCATT Plus uses Rife Therapies, by converting radio frequencies into electrical impulses to resonate with specific pathogens, fungi, viral agents and bacteria. By permeating the cell membrane and opening it up to the body’s ability to heal, electrotherapy facilitates healing while also improving the body’s overall immune response. You will feel better, sometimes immediately, without taking more drugs that can pollute your body. Electrotherapy has many benefits and is backed by science.
Aromatherapy is used in a wide range of settings from health spas to hospitals to treat a variety of conditions. It is used to relieve pain, improve mood, and promote a sense of relaxation. In fact, several essential oils — including lavender, rose, orange, bergamot, lemon, sandalwood, and others — have been shown to relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. Several clinical studies suggest that when essential oils (particularly rose, lavender, and frankincense) were used by qualified midwives, pregnant women felt less anxiety and fear, had a stronger sense of well being, and had less need for pain medications during delivery.
Oxygen Bars have gained in popularity over the last decade for good reason. When you exercise while breathing higher concentrations of oxygen it provides an immediate boost to endurance and energy. You will burn more calories, increase blood oxygen levels, and simply feel better. Oxygen increases brain function and makes you feel more alert and energized (which is why Vegas loves their Oxygen Bars).
This therapy uses low frequency ultrasound to provide you with something you want – breakdown of fat cells. This non-invasive process improves skin texture, reduces cellulite and tightens connective tissue, supporting you in getting the appearance you want. Plus getting rid of the fat cells helps improve wellness by removing toxins that are bound in these cells.
Every creature is engulfed in light that affects its health conditions. The human body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically composed of colors. The body comes into existence from colors, the body is stimulated by colors and colors are responsible for the correct working of various systems that function in the body. All organs, cells and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its frequency or vibrational energy. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrates and harmonizes with the frequencies of these colors. When various parts of the body deviate from these expected normal vibrations, one can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning properly. The vibratory rates inherent in the vibrational technique (chromotherapy) are such that they balance the energy pattern found in the body. For in every organ there is an energetic level at which the organ functions best. Restoring the appropriate energy levels to the physical organs results in a healed body.
These colors with their unique wavelength and oscillations, when combined with a light source and selectively applied to impaired organs or life systems, provide the necessary healing energy required by the body. Light affects both the physical and etheric bodies. Colors generate electrical impulses and magnetic currents or fields of energy that are prime activators of the biochemical and hormonal processes in the human body, the stimulants or sedatives necessary to balance the entire system and its organs.
Excerpted from "A Critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and its Scientific Evolution" by Samina T. Yousuf Azeemi* and S. Mohsin Raza
The earth, among other things, is a very large magnet, and there are magnetic currents going through it at a regular basis. It has been theorized that life forms (including humans) have come to use these fields as a way to help cells function better. Unfortunately, in today's society, we are constantly bombarded with other electromagnetic rays and fields which can often disrupt the balance we would get from nature. In Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, Magnetic pulses are sent through the body to help regain that balance. The theory is that the cells can absorb some of that energy to assist with function.
Although magnets have long been used in alternative healthcare, the importance off Pulsed ElectroMmagnetic Fields was first discovered with sending astronauts into space. When out of the atmosphere for any significant length of time they began for some unknown reason to get sick, and this was only fixed with setting up similar magnetic fields and pulses within the spacecraft. Much research has been done regarding the strength and types of PEMF waves to send, and there are a wide variety of PEMF machines on the market, ranging in strength from very weak (to simulate the earth's magnetic fields) to MUCH stronger (to allow a much greater effect much quicker). The latest development is the HUGO, which uses a strong magnetic field in in a "sandwich" approach, allowing for even more effectiveness of therapy.
A highly abbreviated list of benefits off PEMF Therapy:
In a typical HUGO PEMF session, the patient lays down on the lower mat, and either has the upper mat placed over top of him (see picture), or has a PEMF coil placed on an area of the body needing attention. The machine is then turned on and adjusted to patient comfort. At the lower power settings people typically feel nothing but at the higher doses people can feel some of their muscles rhythmically contracting. At normal doses this is not in any way uncomfortable. Sessions done this way typically last from 3-12 minutes. The other way to do the therapy is as a part of a HOCATT session where the magnetic coils are inside the HOCATT machine itself. Either way, after the session, people typically have less pain and feel invigorated. Increased energy may be noted immediately or possibly the next day.
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